adrenal-fatigueAlthough the medical community does not officially recognize adrenal fatigue, it is difficult to ignore the fact that many people complain of similar symptoms. Difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, fatigue that persists day after day despite adequate rest, feeling “foggy” with difficulty thinking and concentrating, dry skin, frequent urination, joint pain, loss of muscle tone, and difficulty dealing with stress are all common. Physicians may not agree with this, but clearly the number of books, articles, and webpages addressing this issue indicates that a significant number of people struggle with these symptoms.

The body’s stress response system involves multiple areas of the brain, hormones and neurotransmitters in a delicate symphony of interaction that can be difficult to measure. When we are healthy, our system interacts in a beautiful and complex dance and responds to daily stress well. Unfortunately, when our bodies get out of balance even small daily events can be taxing. Worse, sometimes when hormones or neurotransmitters are out of balance medical interventions such as prescription medications can lead the system further out of balance.

Non-drug interventions can provide tremendous relief when used and practiced consistently. I can work with you to develop an understanding of your symptoms, create a plan for achieving improved health, and help you problem solve challenges as you work to implement your healing plan. In addition, I can join your treatment team to ensure effective communication between you and your medical and/or alternative practitioner.

If you are ready to regain the energy, comfort, and ease you once enjoyed in your body, give me a call and let’s get started.